Scholar Biography
George Njoroge
Enhancing water security under increasingly uncertain climatic futures: innovative interdisciplinary approaches connecting practices and cultures

George is a Hydro Nation Scholar and PhD student at the University of Dundee and is also affiliated to Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Center in Nairobi where he worked as a Research Fellow prior to PhD studies.
George’s interdisciplinary PhD research project will use ethnographic and participatory methods to examine how climate change and risk-based approaches have been built into water resource management, aiming to recommend the most appropriate measures for delivering water security in ways that are inclusive and sensitive to the livelihoods and cultures of the dryland communities. The study responds to the demand for more robust evidence for adapting water resources with growing concerns about water security, confronted by increasingly uncertain and dangerous climate future. The study contributes to the climate change discourse at a time when adaptation is gaining traction in the UNFCCC COP, with the resolutions emerging from the COP 27 held in November 2022 underscoring the need to: “Protect, conserve and restore water and water related ecosystems, including river basins, aquifers and lakes, and urges Parties to further integrate water into adaptation efforts”
George has a background in biophysical and social sciences and holds a MSc. in Environment and Development from the University of Leeds, UK and a BSc. in Natural Resource Management from Egerton University, Kenya. He is a recipient of a Ford Foundation International Postgraduate Fellowship and Wild Gift Leader Fellowship both in recognition of his contribution to environmental and socio-economic initiatives in marginalized communities in Kenya.
Knowledge Exchange Outputs
- Enhancing Water Security Under Uncertain Climate Futures: Innovative Interdisciplinary Approaches Connecting Practices and Cultures in Dryland (Poster)
- Enhancing water security under uncertain climate futures: surface water formations, management practices and infrastructures in Kenya’s drylands (Poster)
- Innovations to adapt to seasonal changes in water resources in south-eastern Kenya drylands (Poster)