The Hydro Nation International Centre plays an important role in the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation
- The Hydro Nation International Centre connects research and policy to ensure Scotland’s water environment is managed to the best advantage;
- Running the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation Scholarship Programme and Graduate School;
- Developing links internationally and with business to support the Hydro Nation policy.
Scotland is working to become the first Hydro Nation. A Hydro Nation is one that manages its water environment to the best advantage, using its knowledge and expertise at home and internationally. Promoting Scotland as a Hydro Nation seeks to maximise the benefits to the Scottish economy through the economic development and good stewardship of Scotland’s water resources.
Scotland as a Hydro Nation will:
- Develop the value of its naturally abundant water resources;
- Build on and improve the productivity of its water industry, in particular by launching a water innovation service to help bring new technologies to the market;
- Capitalise on the international market potential of water and respond to the immense water challenges that population growth and climate change bring, increasing our international presence and profile, working to improve global water governance;
- Ensure that the environment in Scotland is protected and enhanced through the good management of Scotland's water and in line with key legislative requirements including e.g. the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Drinking Water Quality Regulations, the Water Framework Directive and the Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013;
- Aim to make water an energy asset through greater water efficiency, reducing the energy we use to manage our water and, critically, by generating more energy from water;
- Contribute to the global water debate by increasing our profile as a Hydro Nation.
Key Activities:
- Hydro Nation Forum a high level group of experts, chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure to help steer the Hydro Nation work across sectors and share knowledge.
- Hydro Nation Scholars PhD students studying cutting-edge water topics. These studies will help to create new expertise within Scotland and build our international profile.
- The Hydro Nation Water Innovation Service is supporting product testing and accreditation and bring new and innovative water technologies through to market more quickly.
Hydro Nation Policy Documents
- Hydro Nation Prospectus and Proposals for Legislation lays out the Government’s vision for developing the value of Scotland’s water resources.
- The Water Resources (Scotland) Bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 27 February 2013 and received Royal Assent on 9 April 2013. Full details and documents related to the Bill's passage through the Scottish Parliament can be found on the Scottish Parliament Water Resources (Scotland) Bill webpage. The Water Resources (Scotland) Act2013 is available here.
- Scottish Government Hydro Nation Policy Pages and annual reports can be found here.