Scholar Biography
Laura Young
Enhancing Scotland’s resilience to climate change – a blue-green infrastructure inclusivity framework based on community-centred nature-based solutions
"How do we ensure that everyone can shape the places they call home in the face of a changing climate? Answering this question, my research looks at how the voices of the overlooked can be included to build a Scotland working in harmony with nature to create climate resilient places."
Laura Young is a Hydro Nations Scholar and PhD student at the University of Abertay, co-supervised by the University of Dundee.
The title for this project is 'Enhancing Scotland’s resilience to climate change – a blue-green infrastructure inclusivity framework based on community-centred nature-based solutions'. This multi-disciplinary research will to Dundee as a case study, applying various research methods to better understand the complexities between various stakeholders involved in climate resilience work. This research will contribute to, and build upon, ongoing work happening in Scotland looking at bringing the most beneficial nature-based solutions to local places, meaninfully engaging and consulting with communties throughout planning and management. This applied research will work closely with local communities in Dundee alongside industry and policy representatives.
Laura completed her undergraduate degree BSc (Hons) in Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Dundee, followed by a masters MSc in Environmental Protection and Management at the University of Edinburgh linked with SRUC. Laura has been awarded for her research and contributions during academia including 'Best Overall Contribution' during her masters degree, and both the 'Being Edinburgh' University of Edinburgh alumni award, and 'Alumni Award' with SRUC since graduating. Since studying Laura worked for an international NGO campaigning in the climate justice space, alongside environmental consultancy. She regularly appears in the media discussing a variety of environmental issues, and utilises her online presence to continue this work which resulted in her winning the Scottish Influencer of the Year - Inspiration 2022 award.
Online: @LessWasteLaura
Knowledge Exchange Outputs
- Enhancing Scotland’s resilience to climate change – a blue-green infrastructure inclusivity framework based on community centred nature-based solutions (Poster)
- Enhancing Scotland’s resilience to climate change – a blue-green infrastructure inclusivity framework based on community centred nature-based solutions (Poster)
- Investigating inclusivity in community engagement on nature-based solutions and climate resilience_Welcome Event 2024 (Poster)