Scholar Biography
Lucille Groult
Socio-legal Responses to the Challenges of Contaminants of Emerging Concerns

Lucille Groult is a Hydro-Nation scholar registered at the University of Dundee, and working with The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.
As part of the Hydro Nation Scholars programme, she will investigate social and legal options to enhance collaboration between institutions, policymakers and industrials towards the challenge raised by Contaminants of Emerging Concerns (CECs) to reduce their use at source.
Present in numerous products of daily use, ranging from pharmaceuticals to agricultural products, Personal Care Products (PCPs), household and industrial chemicals, CECs are indeed increasingly raising public awareness. This project will hence look for fostering development of alternatives in production processes. Combining chemical risk assessments with experimental social science approaches, its objective is to improve availability of "safer" products and assess feasibility of potential legal improvements.
Lucille is a chemical engineer specialised in environmental and industrial risks with experience in various sectors ranging from energy (oil, gas, nuclear) to chemical industries to construction. She graduated in double degree from the School of Chemical Engineering of Rennes (ENSCR), France and Cranfield University, UK. Along her career, she had the opportunity to work in a wide range of risk & safety, environment and engineering branches. She additionally undertook a Master's degree in International Relations with IRIS Sup, a French research institute dedicated to this subject in order to gain further knowledge to get better involved at strategic levels.
By undertaking this PhD programme, Lucille hopes to gain expertise in policy development towards environmental issues on a topical environmental subject by combining both technical and policy-making approaches.
To view Lucile's latest knowledge exchange outputs please use the relevant links below:
Knowledge Exchange Outputs
- Socio-Legal Responses to the Challenge of Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) (poster)
- Reducing CECs water pollution from Scottish consumer products: what socio-legal solutions? (poster)
- Emerging contaminants in consumer products: what solutions beyond existing regulation? (presentation)
- Emerging pollutants: What solutions beyond reactive regulation? (policy brief)
- Reducing water pollution by emerging contaminants from consumer products (presentation)
- Reducing at source water pollution by emerging contaminants resulting from consumer products: supporting responsible production and consumption practices (abstract)
- How can water pollution by Emerging Contaminants originating from Personal Care and Household Products in Scotland be prevented at source? (Poster)