Scholar Biography
Saba Al Hosni
Understanding the Economic consequences of change in water availability and water policy in Scotland; a computable general equilibrium analysis
"My research is focused on understanding how Scottish economic industries will be impacted by changes in water supply availabilities using an economic model. The main challenge that I face is finding reliable data sources that map water consumption by volumes to all Scottish Industries."
Saba Al Hosni is a Hydro Nations Scholar and PhD student at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. Her PhD research focuses on estimating the economic impacts of changes in water availability in Scotland due to climate change effects using a Computable General Equilibrium Modelling technique.
Her research aims to estimate the direct and indirect impacts of water supply reduction on industries’ output. The findings of her research are expected to identify the sectors that uses water as a critical input for production who will benefit from knowing their current and future vulnerabilities. Moreover, her research aims to assess policies aimed at mitigating the effects of changes in water availability. Saba’s research will contribute towards climate change economics literature inform water policy decision making.
Prior to starting her PhD in October 2022, Saba completed the MSc Applied Economics programme at the University of Strathclyde in September 2022. Saba holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Manchester, England.